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Coaching vs. Therapy
Unlike coaching, therapy is based on a healthcare perspective whereby a clinical diagnosis is assigned utilizing the APA-approved Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. The focus of therapy is to reduce signs and symptoms of an assigned diagnosis in an effort to improve impairments in daily functioning.
Licensed Provider
Lindsey Fox is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor with more than 6,000 direct client contact hours and graduate of Assumption College where she earned a Fellowship at the premier graduate-level clinical counseling psychology program in the nation specializing in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Lindsey has a Masters in Clinical Counseling Psychology with a Concentration in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies (centered on adults). The Aaron T. Beck Institute for Cognitive Studies at Assumption receives support from the founder of CBT, namely Aaron T. Beck himself.
Payment Details
Therapy services are private pay and must be booked separately at
If you require therapy and do not reside in the state of Massachusetts or wish to use health insurance for payment, please find a therapist near you by using